Tactical Asset Management

Tactical Asset Management is an investment philosophy to capture market gains while avoiding market losses using investment metrics and algorithms with a long history of success due to a more objective system for trading securities within a portfolio.
At PLC Financial Solutions, we prefer to utilize this type of asset management as our primary approach when helping our clients find investment solutions that can meet their financial goals and needs. It also allows us to create investment strategies designed to manage their risks by taking advantage of general market trends for gains while mitigating their losses at the same time.
This investment approach helps us to more smoothly fulfill our goals of building family legacies, reducing income tax liabilities, and creating a plan for each client to help ensure a fulfilling and financially worry free financial life.
This investment philosophy also coincides with our overall goal of preserving wealth during both the accumulation and distribution stages of our financial plans. We, of course, provide each client with a clear road map as to how they can achieve their goals employing this investment approach.
Click here to learn more about PLC Financial Solutions’ Process. Discover what it means to have confidence & peace of mind in your life financially. You deserve it!
Brian Dougherty is an investment advisor representative and a fiduciary. Call (215) 804-9708 or click here to schedule a no-obligation initial consultation.