Retirement Planning
At PLC Financial Solutions, we always aim to ease your life from financial worries by helping you to create a stable financial strategy that will ensure a steady flow of income throughout your life and to your beneficiaries.
As Part of our Strategic Process, we guide you in creating a thorough retirement income plan that will assist you to:
- Plan for the unexpected and the inevitable
- Factor in both Expected & Unexpected Medical Expenses
- Factor in Pension Withdrawal Strategies
- Plan and Strategize your Social Security Benefits for Maximize Results
- Budget for luxuries and a quality of Life
- Plan for daily living expenses
Are you better prepared for Retirement than you think?
People often underestimate the true value of their retirement worth. After you factor in savings, pensions, social Security, and the value of your home, you will see that in most cases the total value of all of your financial resources is quite higher than what you may have thought. Thus, making the prospects of retirement much more within your reach.
Consider the following:
-Average Retirement Savings: $255,000
-Average Home Value: $188,900
-Average Social Security Benefit for a Married Couple: $1,024,848
-Total-Retirement-Value: $1,468,748
Providing for a Tax-Efficient Retirement:
What if we told you that nearly 85% of your Social Security is taxable, but that if timed correctly with other sources of income, a strategy can be taken to reduce this burden. We can help you control these things through forwarding tax planning. By choose the right strategies and tools for making the optimum use of your investments, Social Security, and pension.
We will help you to take advantage of whatever advanced tax, risk and expense mitigation strategies make sense for you to maximum your Retirement plan in every way.
Questions? Brian Dougherty is an investment advisor representative and a fiduciary. Call (215) 804-9708 or click here to schedule a no-obligation initial consultation.